Displacing Architecture Narratives
︎Politecnico di Torino

I’m sharing some ongoing research in this series organized by Francisco Díaz and Camilo Boano at the Politecnico di Torino PhD Prrogram in Architecture History and project.

As a way to uncover new dimensions, vectors, or perspectives for research inarchitecture, the Displacing Architectural Narratives series seeks to offer apanorama of new narratives from geographies, fields, and voices that help expand the discourses and methodologies for architecture and design. Instead of presenting a single subject or raising a specific argument or aproposition, the series aims to look at different ways of undertaking research inarchitecture and the city in the third decade of the twenty-first century, specifically from Latin America. Under the umbrella of the PhD program in Architecture, Design and Project atPolitecnico di Torino, Displacing Architectural Narratives is an opportunity toengage with new voices in an interdisciplinary way, opening up to originalperspectives much needed in the current planetary discussion. The series is organized by Francisco Díaz and Camillo Boano, and is open toeveryone interested. All sessions will be in English. For further information,please write to: antonietta.cerrato@polito.it